
06 25, 2021

The Perrysburg Chorale

2021-06-25T16:26:40-04:00June 25th, 2021|

Perrysburg Chorale Performance groups were barred from performing and rehearsing during COVID.   But Perrysburg Chorale persevered and is coming back stronger than ever. Perrysburg Chorale is a safe place where anyone who loves to sing can come together to make beautiful, fun and engaging music. They host community concerts and events that you didn’t even [...]

05 17, 2021


2021-05-17T16:13:34-04:00May 17th, 2021|

Every year, Make-A-Wish® Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana (Make-A-Wish OKI) creates hundreds of life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Since our founding in 1983, we have granted more than 10,000 wishes for Ohio kids. Make-A-Wish traces its inspiration to Christopher Greicius, an energetic 7-year-old boy battling leukemia who wishes to be a police officer. In [...]

04 18, 2021

Partners for Clean Streams

2021-04-18T16:23:41-04:00April 18th, 2021|

Environmental Stewardship, Outreach and Education Partners for Clean Streams Inc. (PCS) is a small non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Perrysburg, Ohio that serves the Northwest Ohio region.  Their mission is to promote clean, clear, and safe water in our community through stewardship, outreach, and environmental education.  To do this, they lead and organize many stewardship [...]

04 18, 2021


2021-04-18T15:51:03-04:00April 18th, 2021|

Conservation and Education through Art Trash to treasure.  Upcycling.  Repurposing.  What can you creatively reuse?  You’d be surprised.  Scrap4Art has everything you need to let your imagination run wild! Scrap4Art supports arts, education, and conservation of resources by promoting the diversion of clean, usable materials from the solid waste stream to make them available for [...]

03 18, 2021

Bethany House

2021-03-18T11:54:36-04:00March 18th, 2021|

Long-term transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. As a long-term domestic violence shelter, Bethany House empowers survivors of domestic violence and their children.  They provide long-term transitional shelter and advocacy to maximize safety, ensure access to resources, and restore hope with dignity and respect. Many survivors stay at Bethany House for [...]

03 18, 2021

Arts Commission of Greater Toledo

2021-03-18T11:32:59-04:00March 18th, 2021|

  Quality arts programming and services   Have you been to Momentum, enjoyed public art, joined in the Art Loop or been impressed with the art of a YAAW Artist?! The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo is the longest-standing arts commission in the state of Ohio, founded in 1959.  It is supported in part by [...]

08 5, 2020

The Wood County Humane Society

2020-08-05T23:56:22-04:00August 5th, 2020|

The Wood County Humane Society works to help prevent abuse and neglect to animals. By holding educational courses for people they are teaching those in the community more about animals and how to properly care for them. The Wood County Humane Society offers a number of programs from their Spray and Neuter Program for feral [...]

06 26, 2020

Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo

2020-06-26T11:45:55-04:00June 26th, 2020|

Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo (DSAGT) was created in 1983 by a group of parents looking to educate others on the needs of individuals with Down syndrome. It has expanded to now serve over 450 families in Ohio and Southern Michigan. DSAGT has numerous programs available for all ages. The Baby and Toddler Program [...]

06 5, 2020


2020-06-05T16:59:47-04:00June 5th, 2020|

One of the pillars of Northwest Ohio Community Shares is a commitment to social justice. With the recent murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed, it is important we use our voices to stand for justice and put a stop to the systemic racism that is seen every day. We must listen to [...]

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