Workplace giving allows employees to make tax-deductible donations to local charities through payroll contributions or single payments by cash, check or credit/debit card. Through workplace giving, the employer and its employees work together to benefit the community. Many employers match their employees’ contributions.
Starting a workplace giving campaign is easy:
- Your organization assigns a campaign coordinator and establishes a timeline for your campaign. Distribute pledge forms and campaign brochures to all your employees. (Your campaign can occur at any time of the year; however, most campaigns take place in the fall. This allows you to deduct pledges over the course of the next calendar year.)
- We are here to help. Do you need ideas on how to promote your campaign? Do you want to do a kick off celebration? Representatives from Community Shares and our member agencies are available to attend kickoff events, present information on Community Shares’ agencies, answer questions, and/or attend campaign celebration events.
- At the end of the campaign, the campaign coordinator(s) collects pledge forms and completes a campaign report. Make a copy of each pledge form that is marked as a payroll deduction. The original of ALL the pledge forms goes into the campaign report envelope. The copy of pledge forms with a payroll deduction is given to your payroll department.
- Your payroll department will use pledge forms you copied to set up an automatic deduction and a liability account. Designations can be sent to Northwest Ohio Community Shares via check or ACH on a schedule that works best for you – every pay period, monthly or quarterly.